Global Awareness Rallies-Seeking Justice & Freedom for Brendan Dassey & Steven Avery

The Wisconsin State Capitol - Madison, June 10th 2017 - Global awareness rally (Pics: Carla Chase & Maureen Gillis Fantasia)
The grass roots movement in support of justice and freedom for Brendan Dassey and Steven Avery continues to swell in both strength and fervor worldwide. Despite 18 months having passed in a tumultuous wave of appeals and legal meanderings, June 10th bore witness to a surge of 'global awareness' rallies stretching from Brendan and Steven's home state of Wisconsin, to Philadelphia, Arizona and Las Vegas, and across the Atlantic to the UK capital, London.
A two pronged public awareness attack, the rallies capitalised on this week's post-conviction notice filed by Steven Avery's attorney Kathleen Zellner, highlighting the wrongful convictions of both men and the lack of justice for Teresa Halbach while engaging members of the general public in the fight to ensure the protection of juveniles while under custodial interrogation in the state of Wisconsin. The 'Barbara Tadych Law' ( Juvenile Interrogation Protection Law in Wisconsin) is an initiative by Brendan Dassey's mother designed to support amendments to Wisconsin State Legislature Chapter 938.19. Petitioning in the hope of preventing another wrongful conviction due to a coerced and false confession such as Brendan's - it mandates that an adult, lawyer or interested third party be present throughout the custodial interrogation of a juvenile.
On July 7th, 2007, the Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted a per se rule requiring the state to electronically record all juvenile interrogations. Chief Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson wrote "Wisconsin must do more than apply the ‘totality of the circumstances’ rule to protect children and families and tackle the problem of false confessions. Mandating electronic recording of juvenile interrogations is a very important step, but it is only one step. I would have the court fashion a rule requiring the participation of an interested adult in the interrogation process of juveniles."
The 'Barbara Tadych Law' is in support of Justice Abrahamsons findings and you can show your support by signing here.

Rittenhouse Square - Philadelphia, June 10th 2017 - Global awareness rally (Pics: Kelly Maxwell-Dice)
As the State of Wisconsin's appeal against Brendan's overturned conviction plays out in the 7th Circuit Court, supporters took to the freeways of the US and traversed the width of the country, showing support for the wrongfully convicted Dassey and Avery. Coupled with fundraising drives the global support for both Brendan Dassey and Steven Avery shows no signs of abating.
Stay up to date on both cases and join the thousands fighting for freedom at the official family run support groups at Justice and Freedom for Brendan Dassey and the Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey Project