Making a Murderer: How Brendan Dassey’s Case is Making a Difference

Steven Drizin and Laura Nirider talk about false confessions and the legal proceedings covered in the second season of “Making a Murderer.”
When cases like Brendan Dassey’s are examined, many see a pressing need to rethink the definition of coercion and the law of voluntariness, especially in cases involving minors.
In this episode of Planet Lex, host Jim Speta talks to Northwestern Law professors, Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth attorneys, and Netflix stars Steven Drizin and Laura Niriderabout false confessions and the legal proceedings covered in the second season of “Making a Murderer.”
They catch us up on what has happened in the Brendan Dassey case since season one and talk about the further options available to him as he continues to seek release.
Steve and Laura also talk about the involvement of Northwestern Law’s clinical students in cases like Brendan’s, as well as their efforts to protect vulnerable juveniles by educating law enforcement on appropriate interrogation practices with children.