The Will of the People is the Law of the Land: An Open Letter to Governor Evers

Governor Tony Evers
115 East
State Capitol
Madison, WI 53702
Dear Governor Evers,
On December 20, 2019, the Wisconsin Pardon Advisory Board denied Brendan Dassey’s clemency petition, divesting Mr. Dassey of Wisconsin’s gilded tradition of clemency. We are a unified collective of citizens and advocates who respectfully request that you reconsider this seemingly cursory decision.
In the spirit of Wisconsin’s greatest reformer and progressive, Governor Robert La Follette we look to your governance to embrace Governor La Follette’s ‘laboratory of democracy’ ideology and review the Dassey petition for pardon or commutation on its merits.
It would be Governor Phillip La Follette who would establish and appoint Wisconsin’s first pardon board in 1935, determining the function of executive clemency and the types of cases that would be considered; among them:
Those in which the previous history of the prisoner and his attitude in the institution indicate that he would probably be well behaved if released under supervision, but who could not be paroled under the existing statutes, and who could have his sentence reduced by the court.
Those who probably could be safely paroled if the sentence was reduced.
Significantly, among the principles the board were to follow included:
Careful consideration of the judicial history of the case.
Indubitably, Brendan Dassey would have met these fundamental pardon policies in 1935 Wisconsin.
We can reference the research of Dr William Oldigs (1941), who compared the number and types of clemency granted over a period of 24 years to conclude whether the governors had differing clemency policies. The chief findings of Oldigs study indicated that while each Governor held opposing ideas about the function of executive clemency, all Governors believed that clemency should be extended to those who had suffered a miscarriage of justice. Brendan Dassey continues to endure, an egregious miscarriage of justice.
More recently Governor Thompson and his successor Governor McCallum issued a combined 262 pardons over a period of five years while Governor Doyle granted nearly 300 over the course of his eight years in office. A study undertaken by the National Governor’s Association in a report on state clemency warned the nation’s governors that the full investigation of each case “is essential to prevent public relations problems or political embarrassments.” To not exercise due diligence and review the Dassey petition on its merits speaks to the issues at the heart of that study.
As the cruel hiatus of pardons came to an end under years of the Walker government, the Pardon Advisory Board was reconstituted in June 2019, yet it was May of this year, in your first TV appearance on News 3 where you stated, “It’s for people that have either served time or are already out or are in prison now that are seeking some change in their life situation – we are pretty open about that.” This statement is at odds with the boards current criteria.
Granting clemency is the ultimate act of executive grace. The US Supreme Court considers pardons to be the “fail-safe” in the legal system and the Wisconsin Constitution Article V, Section 6, empowers you with the sole authority to pardon state criminal convictions for any offense other than treason or cases of impeachment. It is a broad discretion with the only check on your pardoning power being that of public opinion. Local, national and global opinion supports your granting a pardon or commutation of sentence to Brendan Dassey.
Governor Evers you have clearly stated you believe in redemption, you also commented in May that, “not having hope, when you should have hope is the wrong thing for the state of Wisconsin to stand for.” As a coalition of voices united in the belief of Brendan Dassey’s innocence, we believe his wrongful conviction results from the extraction of a false confession at the hands of coercive interrogation techniques. Techniques based on unscientific and universally rejected behaviour symptom analysis, and warrants a presumption of innocence he, as a 16-year-old developmentally delayed juvenile, was denied.
Courage and clemency are equal virtues, and when the legal system fails to protect the innocent, the vulnerable, the developmentally delayed, the overwhelmed, the juvenile and the misrepresented, clemency is called upon. We now call on your executive power to correct the miscarriage of justice imposed upon Brendan Dassey.
We are a microcosmic representation of your electorate; of society and of the thousands upon thousands of people who support clemency for Brendan Dassey. We are an alliance fuelled by special educators, nurses, engineers, care workers, teachers, writers, journalists, attorneys, mothers, fathers, the disabled, the abled, radiologists, paralegals to nail technicians, retail workers, shift workers, truck drivers and more – and we too respectfully implore you to review the petition for clemency for Brendan Dassey on its merits and pardon or commute his sentence to time served. This is the will of the people.
Kelly Abderrahman, Warehouse supervisor, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Amber Acklin, Lab technician, El Dorado, Kansas
Ashleigh Adams, Claims, New Zealand
Kat Adams, Wrongful conviction advocate, Massachusetts, New England
Suzette Agosto, Inside sales rep, Chicago, Illinois
Hannah Ainsliee, Business owner, New Zealand
Jaclyn Aiston, Maintenance worker, Deerfield, Massachusetts
Stephanie Aitken, Assistant physiologist, Scotland
Katherine Al Amodi, Wrongful conviction advocate, Gold Coast, Australia
Malak Al Hawary, Music producer, Cairo, Egypt
Lisa Albert, Social worker, Connecticut
Saeed Ali, Self employed, Somaliland
Amanda Amos, Supervisor, South Wales, UK
Elaina Anderegg, Student, Centreville, Utah
Susan Anderson, Business owner, Vancouver, British Columbia
Theresia Anderson, Nurse anaesthetist, Chicago, Illinois
Kevin Andrews, Full time Dad, England
Cindy Ann, Wrongful conviction advocate, New Jersey
Rebecca Appleton, Wrongful conviction advocate, New Zealand
Patricia Arnold, Disabled, Bourbon, MO
Julie Arthur, Unemployed due to disability, South Wales, UK
Tia Arthur, Carer, South Wales, UK
Stephanie Askew, Disabled, Montana
Deanna Arveson, CNA, Wisconsin
Caron Astley, Teaching assistant - special education needs, Berwick-upon-Tweed, England
Jennifer Astley, Software engineer, Cambridge, England
Brady Ausbrooks, Wrongful conviction advocate, Las Vegas, NV
Connor Ausbrooks, Wrongful conviction advocate, Las Vegas, NV
Kaytlin Ausbrooks, Wrongful conviction advocate, Las Vegas, NV
Diana Avak, Wrongful conviction advocate, Bremen, Germany
Bridgette Ayala, Housewife, California
Cristina Bagwell, Wrongful conviction advocate, Grand Blanc, Michigan
Anthony Ball, Retired Cheltenham, UK
Chrissy Ball, Registered nurse, Cheltenham, UK
Adele Barnes, IT Support and infrastructure specialist, United Kingdom
Liz Barnes, Data analyst, United Kingdom
Sarah Bartlett, Vet technician, Glendale, AZ
Tina Bazzle, Customer service rep, Boise, Idaho
Rob Beard, IT Technician, Torquay, UK
Malgorzata Bednarz, Wrongful conviction advocate, United Kingdom
Jonathan Ben Bow, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Jenni Berns, Risk officer, Rolling Meadows, IL,
Leanne Betteridge, Retail assistant, Clevedon, UK
Lee Billington, Retired, Auckland, New Zealand
Inge Bilstra, Wrongful conviction advocate, Zuidlaren, The Netherlands
Carly Birch, Sales assistant, Melbourne, Australia
Heidi Birrell, Supervisor sales and special programs, Bothell, WA
Hayley Bishop, Wrongful conviction advocate, Victoria, Australia
Joyce Bishop, Production, Crystal Lake, IL
Donita Black, Wrongful conviction advocate, Dubuque, IA
Mary Blankenship, Proud mother of a child with autism, risk manager, North Redington Beach, FL
Jack Blotner, Avi installation, Abilene, TX
Annmarie Bodmeade, Wrongful conviction advocate, United Kingdom
Laura Boggs, Teacher, Maryland, US
Adam Bognor, Systems manager, United Kingdom
Isabelle Bonebrake, Business owner, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Rebecca Booth, Disabled, Detroit, MI
Layal Bouaoun, Self-employed, St. Louis, MO
Danielle Bourdeau, Maintenance assistant, Ontario, Canada
Viv Bowers, Retired computer operations manager, England
Natasja Boydens, Wrongful conviction advocate, Bruges, Belgium
Donna Brace, Disabled, Wichita, Kansas
Sue Bradbury, Human resources consultancy advisor, Surrey, UK
Jayden Bradshaw, Production sorter, Ogden, Utah
The Bradt Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Wichita, Kansas
Nichola Brearley, Cleaner, Halifax, UK
Stephanie Bridges, Retail manager, Sacramento, CA
Jennifer Briggs, Dental nurse and oral health educator, Manchester, UK
James Bright, Wrongful conviction advocate, North Yorkshire, UK
Julie Brindle, Substance abuse rehabilitation receptionist, West Texas
Tanya Brooker, Retired educator, Detroit, MI
Allison Brown, Supervisor, Surrey, UK
Jacqueline Brown, Supervisor, North Wales, UK
Terri Brown, NHS manager, Yorkshire, UK
Alyssa Bruce, Middle school teacher, Indianapolis, IN
Diane Brunsden, Wrongful conviction advocate, United Kingdom
Linda Kay Bruyere, Wrongful conviction advocate, Maplewood, Minnesota
Steven Burn, Warehouse operator, United Kingdom
Julie Burt, Clinical data manager, Weymouth, MA
Tricia Butler, Kitchen assistant, Kent, UK
Dawn Butler Masi, Real estate investing, Silver Creek, NY
Lisa Butterfield, Wrongful conviction advocate, Wisconsin
Chris Bye, Wrongful conviction advocate, Gladstone, Australia
Colleen Byrne, Wrongful conviction advocate, Murcia, Spain
Vincent Byrne, Wrongful conviction advocate, Scotland
Debra Cahill, Full time carer, South Yorkshire, UK
Sharon Caplan, Prescription clerk, Somerset, UK
Simone Carpenter, Educator, Australia
Amanda Carter, Retired, Australia
Dana Casey, Procurement, Madison, Wisconsin
Gemma Castle, master’s in law, Teeside, United Kingdom
Delia Castillo, Wrongful conviction advocate, Chicago, IL
Lee Catalan, Wrongful conviction advocate, Brooklyn, NY
Josephine Ceyhan, Wrongful conviction advocate, Derbyshire, UK
KT Chiang, Retired, Wisconsin
Kristy Childers, Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio
Duke Childers, Tattoo artist, Cincinnati, Ohio
Louise Chopyak, Wrongful conviction advocate, Plymouth, PA
Jennifer Chowaniec, Imp technical support, Buffalo, NY
Wendy Cicio, Wrongful conviction advocate, Alabama
Bernadette Clare, Teacher, Sydney, Australia
Laura Clark, Paint technician, Greenbrier, Arkansas
Sheri Clason, Wrongful conviction advocate, Strasburg, Ohio
Eileen Clements, PhD candidate, Melbourne, Australia
Nicola Clements, Full time carer, Northern Ireland
Julie Clerc, Teacher, United Kingdom
Marie-Florence Clerc, Wrongful conviction advocate, Switzerland
Karla Cleveland, Registered nurse, Muskegon, MI
Tracey Coates, Insurance advisor, Perth, Western Australia
Kerri Cocks, Wrongful conviction advocate, Southampton, UK
Erica N Cole, Wrongful conviction advocate, Atlanta, GA
Antony Coleman, Wrongful conviction advocate, France
Kathryn Kimball Colliers, Wrongful conviction advocate, West Virginia
Tammy Collins, Electrical technician, Canton, Ohio
Linda Combs, Registered nurse, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jane Connolly, Senior administrator NHS, Leamington Spa, England
Fiona Cooper, Adult support worker, Edinburgh, Scotland
Cristina Corsini, Art teacher, Florida
Erica Cortese, Certified pharmacy technician, Rochester, NY
Lori Coughran, Wrongful conviction advocate, Anaheim, CA
Aimee Courtier, Laser Tech, United Kingdom
Madison Covelli, MRI extender, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Caroline Cowan, Retired, United Kingdom
Peter Cowan, Retired, United Kingdom
Kaitlyn Cowie, Customer service advisor, Berwick, Australia
Lea Cowie, Wrongful conviction advocate, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Victoria Cox Camacho, Nurse, Florida
Andrew Crainie, R.A.F veteran, Scotland
Haley Crank, Homemaker, Ogden, Utah
Kelly Criddle, Teacher, mother, homemaker, Wisconsin
Dr Hazel Croft, Programme Administrator University College, London, United Kingdom
Molly Crowley, DSP, Iowa, US
Aaron Cuthbert, Wrongful conviction advocate, Chicago, Illinois
Sandy Cziborra, Manager travel agency, Germany
Tammy Dahlstrom, Analyst, Australia
Melissa Dalton, Housewife, Lynchburg, VA
Maxine Daniel, Field sales manager, Durham, UK
Kate D'Anza, Aesthetician and business owner, Wheaton, Illinois
Tabitha Darmanin, Support worker, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Pete Dassey, Father of Brendan Dassey, Mishicot, Wisconsin
Lori Dassey, Wrongful conviction advocate, Mishicot, Wisconsin
Kari Davidson, National manager of risk mitigation, Stacy, MN
Wendy Davidson, Retired, Western Australia
Phil Davies, Paramedic, Monmouthshire, UK
Tony Davies, Electrician, Australia
Kyla Davila, Accountant, Kasson, MN
Dawn Davis, Sales & Marketing, Sussex, UK
Debbie Davis, Disabled, Rochester, NY
Denise Davis, Retail assistant, UK
Heather Davis, Wrongful conviction advocate, Massachusetts, New England
Matthew Davis, Processing operator, Indiana
Phil Davis, Wrongful conviction advocate, Wisconsin
Bee Dawson, Registered nurse, Australia
Kylie De Groot, Homemaker, Perth, Western Australia
Marina Dean, Administration, Peterborough, UK
Wendi Dean, Banker, Oliver Springs, Tennessee
Isaac Deherrera, Student, Ogden, Utah
Sophia Deherrera, Wrongful conviction advocate, Ogden, Utah
Tony Deherrera, Labor worker, Ogden, Utah
Rhea Dela Cruz, Pharmacy technician, Hawaii
Cristina Delloiaco, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
Jessica Delaune, Domestic violence and wrongful conviction advocate, patient access specialist, Cut off, Louisiana
Carpels Dieter, Wrongful conviction advocate, Bruges, Belgium
Sabrina Dobbins, Food service, Knoxville, TN
Lily-Rose Dobson, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
Roman Dobson, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
Sarah Jane Dobson, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
Travis Dobson, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
Ellen Doherty, Operations, Dublin, Ireland
Louise Marie Dohn Andersen, Wrongful conviction advocate, Naestved, Denmark
Elizabeth Dolan, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Matthew Dolan, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Denise Donnelly, CRS Social worker, Pennsylvania
Charlotte Doran Housekeeping services, Cumbria, UK
Michelle Drake, Wrongful conviction advocate, Lebanon,Tennessee
Karie Drayer, Inhouse marketing, Branson, Missouri
Kelly Droster-Zantow, Disabled, retired, Wisconsin
Theresa Dufore Long, Data entry clerk, Bradenton, FL
Tim Duggan, Sales manager, Scranton, PA
Shaun Duncan, Urban towing, Calgary AB, Canada
Rik Earl, Forensic psychiatry, United Kingdom
Adrienne Earls, Charity manager, Cardiff, UK
Mary Ellen Eason, Wrongful conviction advocate, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Louise Ebbeck, Retired government officer, NSW, Australia
Scarlett Eckholm, Self-employed, Bismarck, ND
Heidi Ellicott O'Donnell, Wrongful conviction advocate, Tauranga, New Zealand
Madison Elmore, Wrongful conviction advocate, Maryland, US
Maureen Elsamiller, CNA, Waverly, Iowa
Angela Elsberry, Administrative associate, Clinton, Iowa
Yoann et Nadia, Wrongful conviction advocate, France
Brandon Evans, Wrongful conviction advocate, Toledo, Ohio
Christy Evola, Mental health advocate, Buffalo, NY
Michelle Fagan,Wrongful conviction advocate, Tonganoxie, KS
Jenna Fahnestock, Wrongful conviction advocate, Duncannon, PA
The Vickers Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Herefordshire, UK
Haley Fannin, Justice fighter, Williamsburg, KY
Maureen Fantasia, Home health aid, Boston, Massachusetts
Carly Ferguson,Wrongful conviction advocate, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crystal Ferguson, Customer service rep, Knoxville, Tennessee
Melissa Ferris, Small business owner, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Sarah Field, Law student, Kent, United Kingdom
Angeline Fisher, Full-time carer of two children with autism, Brisbane, Australia
Antoinette Fisher, Admin assistant, Darlington, UK
Janine Fisher, Mother, retired, Lewisburg, PA
Maura Flanagan, Child support worker, Ireland
Maria Forbes, Chef, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Rosanna Forget, Wrongful conviction advocate, BC, Canada
Debbie Forrest, Aerospace, Spokane, Washington
Kristen Fortmann, Direct support professional, Dyersville, IA
Melodie Fosnaugh, Wrongful conviction advocate, Columbus, Ohio
The Francis Family, Wrongful conviction advocates, San Antonio, Texas
Elisabeth Franco, Travel consultant, Melbourne, Australia
Rita Franklin, Mom to 30-year-old daughter with intellectual disabilities, Morganton, N.C
Donna Freeman, Full time mum, Berkshire, UK
Angel Friddle, Wrongful conviction advocate, Springdale, Arizona
Missy Terri Fuller Ross, Wrongful conviction advocate, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Tammy Fundak, Disabled, Kitchener, Ontario
Corin Gadsby, Criminal defense investigator, Phoenix, Arizona
Kelly Criddle Gadsden, Special needs care, child care, Alabama
Shirley Gaines, Wrongful conviction advocate, Chicago, Illinois
Brianna Galloway, Stay at home mom, Wayne, WV
Natalea Gamble, Homemaker, Nova Scotia, Canada
Martyn Gamble , Wrongful conviction advocate, Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Angie Gilbert-Cooper, Disabled, Wisconsin
Colette Gilmore, Specialist nurse NHS, Oxford, UK
Lisa Gilmour, Family law paralegal, Riverside, CA
Sandra Giltrap, Care support for adults with special needs, Wexford, Ireland
Elisabeth Glaschker, Student, Germany
Daniel Glennie, Retail manager, Cardiff, Wales
J Miamor Gonzalez, Owner of landscaping business and mom of four, Sarasota, Florida
Javier Gonzalez, Wrongful conviction advocate, Lowell, Massachusetts
Steve Gordin, Special education teacher, Staten Island, NY
Holly Gordon, Wrongful conviction advocate, Property manager, New Jersey, USA
Skippy Gordon, Disability, client and youth support officer, Victoria, Australia
Paula Grabow, Wrongful conviction advocate, Chicago, Illinois
Elisabeth Graf Kettler, Retired district manager for Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Bristol, Wisconsin
Katie Greason, College student, Kings Mountain, NC
Victoria Greenfield, Justice administration, Fremont, NE
Paula Gresch, Caregiver, Modesto, CA
Naomi Gresty, Childcare worker , Queensland, Australia
Michelle Gribb, Self-employed, South Africa
Leigh Grice, Medical administration and sleep technician, Brisbane, Australia
Natasha Griffiths, Account manager, North Wales, UK
Starlena Gruver, Waitress, Jones, Oklahoma
Joey Hachey, Business owner, Florida
Jane Hadcroft, Housekeeper, Norwich, UK
Kristine Hakala, Wrongful conviction advocate, Turtle Lake, Wisconsin
Bobbi Halminiak, Wrongful conviction advocate, Illinois
Dianne Hamelijnck, Wrongful conviction advocate, The Netherlands
Samantha Hamilton, CAN, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Kathie Hand, Authorization specialist, Whitehall, PA
Tara Hanke, Retail, Wisconsin
Leanne Harbour, Retail team leader, United Kingdom
Tera Hardisty, Wrongful conviction advocate, Tonganoxie, Ks
Tiffanie Harpin, Electrical contractor, Victoria, Texas
Vicki Harrelson, Logistics management analyst, League City, Texas
Mindy Harrington, Wrongful conviction advocate, Orangeburg, South Carolina
Angelica Harris, Preschool teacher, Lantana, Florida
Karen Harris, Wrongful conviction advocate, Vermillion, South Dakota, United States
Amy Hartl, Wrongful conviction advocate, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Eloise Hatfield, Wrongful conviction advocate, Melksham, United Kingdom
Mary Annette Hatfield, Disabled, Plant City, FL
Rebecca Hatfield, Wrongful conviction advocate, Melksham, United Kingdom
Kimberly Havens, Registered nurse, Arizona, US
Amy Haynes, Accountant, United Kingdom
Aaron Hebert, Retired safety professional, Covington, LA
Jeannie Heitz, Retired social work, Baltimore, Maryland
Hollie Helseth, Customer service, Brandon, SD
Ria Hendriks, Wrongful conviction advocate, Borne, Netherlands
Becca Hernandez, Disabled student, Cottondale, FL
Toni Hernandez, Web development specialist, Cottondale, FL
Saphrona Hetrick, Wrongful conviction advocate, Arizona
Shannon Hilder, Retail assistant, Victoria, Australia
Luke Hill, Film student, United Kingdom
Nikki Hislop, New Zealand Police, New Zealand
Mark Hoddinott, Director Hoddinott Consulting, NSW, Australia
Jodi Hoffman, Small business owner, De pere, Wisconsin
Theresa Hoffman, Baker, Rockland, ME
Karen Holden, Retired, Melbourne, Australia
Katherine Holsten, Teacher, Masters student, Virginia
Jennifer Hoover, Registered nurse, Houston, Texas
Sherry Hopkins, Court reporter, Newport, NC
Brian Hopson, Chemical tank driver, lifelong Brendan supporter, England
Jody Horn, Driver, Indiana, US
Claire Houston, Artist, England
Cherie Hughes, Mental health advocate, London, UK
Jason Hughes, Forklift operator, BC, Canada
Lana Hughes, Hospital aide, BC, Canada
Lauren Hughes, Farmer, Dorset, UK
Zachary Hughes, Golf attendant, BC, Canada
Jennifer Lyn Huhnke Gawel, Memory care, Life enrichment and dog walker, Lombard, Illinois
Charee Hull, Attorney, Antwerp, NY
Joe Hunt, Warehouse worker, Perth, Western Australia
Rebecca Hurley, Warehouse worker, Lexington, NC
Jerry Sue Hutter, Registered nurse, St. Louis, MO
Sara Ielmoli, Wrongful conviction advocate, Italy
Martina Jabornikova, Finance clerk, Brno, Czech Republic
Renee Bonfoey Jacquemain, Registered Nurse, Knoxville, Tennessee
Martina Jankovicova, Warehouse operative, Rugby, UK
Lynsey Jarvis, Wrongful conviction advocate, Scotland
Shannon Jaycox, Mother of teenager with intellectual disability, retired stylist, St Charles, MO
Emma Jeans, Stage manager, England
Deanna Jesse, Political science, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Loretto Jesso, Wrongful conviction advocate, Saint John, NB, Canada
Debbie Johnson, Wrongful conviction advocate, Michigan
George Johnson, Wrongful conviction advocate, Michigan
The Johnson Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Michigan
Shelli Johnson Patch, Office manager, Williston, ND
Fiona Johnston, Sales rep, NSW, Australia
Michelle Jones, Wrongful conviction advocate, Nashville, Tennessee
Kelsey Jordan, Insurance eligibility specialist, Wilton, ME
Sharon Jossart, Retired, Plymouth, formerly of Green Bay, Wisconsin
Charlene Joudrey, Wrongful conviction advocate, Nova Scotia, Canada
Kevin Joudrey, Wrongful conviction advocate, Nova Scotia, Canada
Jordan Just, Postal specialist, Germany
Dee Justice, Office manager, North Carolina
Marianne Kane, Records clerk, Wisconsin
Cathy Kanuka, Wrongful conviction advocate, Langley, BC, Canada
Noreen Katzman, Cook and custodian, Wisconsin
Jennifer Keith, Wrongful conviction advocate, Alexandria, Indiana
Joe Keller, Sales representative, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Nicola Kelly, Office manager, New Zealand
Nancy Kelso, Registered nurse, Michigan
Kim Kendall, College lecturer, Caerphilly, South Wales
Jeannie Kennedy, Retired, Downers Grove, Illinois
Kelley Kennedy-Smith, Wrongful conviction advocate, Neenah, Wisconsin
Thomas Keogh, Management - visually impaired, musician, Melbourne, Australia
Tracy Keogh, Writer for World Vision, journalist, wrongful conviction advocate and mother of three, Melbourne, Australia
Wolf Kettler, Owner of Kettler Concrete Construction Company, Bristol, Wisconsin
Jackie Killingsworth, Retail supervisor, North East England
Maria King, Homeschooling and stay at home mom, Oregon
Richard King, Gas field technician, Vestal, NY
Vanessa King, Mental health technician, Toronto, Ohio
Desiree King-Frisbie, Surgical assistant, Las Vegas, NV
Reka Kiss, Kitchen help, Spain
Antje Klingauf, Occupational therapist, Wolfsburg, Germany
Sandra Knott, Registered nurse, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Ismena Kolbe, Student and musician, London, UK
Marta Krol, Check in agent, London, UK
Marie Kuczma, Housewife, Alden, NY
Tracy L Harris, Retired corrections officer, Belleplain, NJ
The LaGuidice Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Des Plaines, Illinois
Jennifer Landrum, Paralegal, Cincinnati, Ohio
Courtney Lane, Attorney, Great Barrington, MA
Mark Lane, Health and safety officer, United Kingdom
Heidi Lang, Administrative specialist, Clear Lake, Wisconsin
Nerida Langcake, Primary school integration aide, Melbourne, Australia
Cristel Langner, Wrongful conviction advocate, Pretoria, South Africa
Jennifer Lanham, Voice over artist, Fairborn, OH
Michelle Lanoue, Self-employed medical decoder, Rapid City SD, USA
Janine Larner, Registered nurse, Victoria, Australia
Laurits Laursen, Tonmeister, Kastrup, Denmark
Chandra Lawrence, Educator, Australia
Tamara Lawrence, Mum, Australia
Heather Lawson, Processing sanitor, Indiana
Marina Lawson, Cleaner, Western Australia
Kyrstin Layne, Executive assistant, Topeka, Kansas
Melissa LeBlanc, Administration coordinator, Calgary AB, Canada
Jessica Lee, Student of criminal justice and criminology, Sneads Ferry, NC
Randy Lee, Mixerman, Boonville, Indiana
Stacie Leger, Military contractor , Las Vegas, NV
Carmen Lennon, Translator San Diego Superior Court, San Diego, California
Kristi Lenzen, Executive assistant, Minnesota, US
Janet Leone, Domestic engineer, Minnesota
Olivia Lepore, Student, Ogden, Utah
Timothy Lepore, Car detailer, Ogden, Utah
Dona Letters, Self-employed, Coventry, UK
Neil Levitt, Self-employed, San Diego, California
Christina Lewandowski, Hairstylist, West Allis, Wisconsin
Dawn Libin, Life insurance analyst, Enfield, CT
Jennifer Liebo, Self-employed, Tennessee
Jennifer Lilley, Stay at home mom, Las Vegas, NV
Erin Limas, Chief financial officer, Omaha, Nebraska
Ricky Ling, Retired navy, croupier, Victoria, Australia
John Liston, Electrician, Sydney, Australia
Danielle Livick, Dental hygienist, Janesville, Wisconsin
Rhonda London-McDowell, Wrongful conviction advocate, Dunnellon, FL
Dawn Long, Wrongful conviction advocate, Wisconsin
June Loseth, Wrongful conviction advocate, Norway
Vicki Lowe, Carer, Wiltshire, UK
Stacy Lucareelli, Director of quality assurance, Charleston, SC
Hazel Lucks, Wrongful conviction advocate, Scotland
Jessica Lynn Lemke, Business owner, Tomahawk, Wisconsin
Julia MacArthur, Video editor, Mexico
The Mace Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Minneapolis, MN
Irma Machain, Wrongful conviction advocate, Santa Monica, California
Rachel Macpherson, Occupational heallth and safety administrator, BC, Canada
Maureen Madrid-Wilson, Electric utility representative, Newaygo, Michigan
Angelique Mahan, Senior recruiter, California
Florence Mahieux, Public procurement management, Ransart, Belgium
Petra Majernikova, Medical receptionist, Vahovce, Slovakia
Melanie Mallman, Direct support professional for adults with special needs. Lives with and support 3 people with special needs, St. Louis, MO
Claire Malone, Writer, Melbourne, Australia
Tanja Mannelin, Hairdresser, Finland
Justine Manning, Wrongful conviction advocate, York, UK
Emily Mapley, Retail worker, Manchester, UK
Vicki Marie, Medical assistant, Abilene, TX
Bengt Marklund, Doctor (GP), Sweden
Jackie Marlin, Direct support staff, Chesaning, Michigan
Dina Marroquin , Accountant, San Francisco, California
Gwen Martin, Wrongful conviction advocate, Scotland
Jane Martin, Wrongful conviction advocate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Kellie Martin, Process server, California
Joanna Martyn, Business owner Hull, UK
Jessica Matthews, Teacher, New Jersey, USA
Sharon Matusavahe, Hygiene driver, Scotland
Linda Mawer, Department Social Welfare, Melbourne, Australia
Kim Mawer Slinger, Caregiver to special needs child, United Kingdom
Kelly Maxwell-Dice, Wrongful conviction advocate, member of It Could Happen to You – Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Valerie Mayze, CT reservations, Thompson, Connecticut
Kim Merolla, UAW quality control inspector, Taylor, Michigan
The McAvoy Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Des Plaines, Illinois
Katy May McBride, Accounts payable specialist, Utah
Julieanne McCall, Wrongful conviction advocate, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Anne L McCarthy, Teacher, Ireland
Daniel McCarthy, IT Director, North Carolina
Emily McCarthy, Legal assistance, North Carolina
Amanda McCray, Student, Racine, Wisconsin
Sandra McCullough, Wrongful conviction advocate, Little Rock, Arkansas
Tricia McDiarmid, Register clinical counsellor, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
Gillian McDonald, Probation officer, London, UK
Alyxandra McGettigan, Wrongful conviction advocate, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Cindy McGettigan, Wrongful conviction advocate, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Dawn McGillivray, Radiology HCSW, Scotland
Pat McGrain, House services, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Rita McGrain, Retired, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Tracy McGraw, JD, Merrimack, NH
Helen McGuire, Business owner, Isle of Wight, UK
Brandie Spencer McHenry, Wrongful conviction advocate, Illinois
Carolina McKee, Service Advisor , Ontario, Canada
Janice McKeernan, Retail assistant manager, St. George, UT
Sandra McKendrick, Wrongful conviction advocate, Lakeville, MA
Judith McKenzie, Retired, Wales
Krystee McKenzie, Inventory manager, Jacksonville, Fl
Anita Medina, Loan officer, Azusa, California
Shanna Michelle, Business owner, Abilene, TX
Aina Middleton, Teacher, Scotland
Tracey Miles, Recruitment coordinator, designer and mother of three, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Cassandra Miller, Mother of three, hairstylist, North Carolina
Matthew Milton, Warehouse operator, United Kingdom
Charm Minton, Paralegal, Fort Worth, Texas
Tom Minton, IT Consultant, Fort Worth, Texas
The Minton Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Fort worth, Texas
Robert Mitchell, Truck driver, Western Australia
Carol Mixon, Retired medical office manager and medical insurance specialist, Houston, Texas
Erika Moeller, Housekeeper, Cincinnati, Ohio
Nathan Moeller, Semi truck driver, Cincinnati, Ohio
Cindy Moeller, Wrongful conviction advocate, Iowa, US
Angela Moloney, Homemaker, London, UK
Melissa Molter, Health insurance specialist, Otsego, MI
Melissa Moore, Elderly caregiver and full-time mom, Michigan
Cheryl Moors, Housewife, Ohio, USA
Kyan Mordaunt, Retail manager, Australia
Emily Morette, Administrative assistant , Edison, NJ
Ana Maria Morin, Retired, Lima, Peru
Dee Morrell, Wrongful conviction advocate, Florida
Amy Morrison, Vice President, bank credit manager, Durant, Oklahoma
Sabrina Morrison, Wrongful conviction advocate, Cumbria, UK
Trena Moss, Wrongful conviction advocate, Washington State
Bobbi Jo Muir, Management, New Jersey
Sarah Mundy, Wrongful conviction advocate, United Kingdom
Janet Mundy, Retired school teacher, UK
Annemaree Mundy, Estate agent, UK
Kristi Myers, Buyer, Dallas, TX
Michelle Nagle Pacella, Special education, social worker, Long Island, NY
Nelka Nardelli, Designer , Calgary AB, Canada
Becca Nash, Caregiver for intellectually and disabled individuals, Payson, Arizona
Amanda Newberry, Stay at home mom, Cumming, GA
Kylie Nicol, Social worker, Perth, Western Australia
Hannah Niece, Actor, Michigan, United States
Eric Niece, College professor, Michigan, United States
Dana Nolan, Accounts receivable representative, Philadelphia, PA
Jennifer Nolan, Wrongful conviction advocate, Demotte, Indiana
Danitsa Norris, Management, Lima, Peru
Sinead Norton, Business owner, Magherafelt, Northern Ireland
Maja Novak, Wrongful conviction advocate, Croatia
Shelly Novak, SR Investigative analyst, Pgh, PA
Tracey Nugent, Retired, Renfrewshire, Scotland
Carolyn O'Brien, Attorney, Los Angeles, CA
Deirdre O'Brien, Teacher & assistant to young children with developmental delays & mental health issues. Mother of three, Dublin, Ireland
Melissa O'Brien, Medically retired, Inwood, West Virginia
Karen O'Donnell Tennenbaum, Retired registered nurse, photographer, Laurence Harbor, NJ
Sherry Okamoto, Wrongful conviction advocate, Royal Oaks, CA
Bernadette O'Keefe, Wrongful conviction advocate, Middlesbrough, England
Ceri Oliver, Student of criminology and volunteer, Caerphilly, South Wales
Virginia Olmos, Thomas Cook, Nevada
Rose Ortega, State of California healthcare, Los Angeles, California
Brenda Pace, Laborer, Mena, Arkansas, US
Mark Pacella, Self-employed, Long Island, NY
Mark Pacella, Student, Long Island, NY
Renee Pacella, Customer services specialist, Long Island, NY
Mirna Padilla, Stay at home mom, Brunswick, GA
Alesha Palling, Nursing student, Australia
Gail Palm, Marketing, Australia
Karla Paniagua, Records system clerk, California
Gaye Parker, Community care worker, mother of four, Rosebud, Australia
Mary Jo Parker, Stay at home mom to special needs children, Birmingham, Alabama
Leah Parkinson, Photographer and mother of two, Australia
Dwight Patch, Sales, Williston, ND
Emma Pates, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Joanne Pates, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Richard Pates, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Sophie Pates, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Jessica Patir, Retail clerk, Stuggart, Germany
Patricia Patrick, Warehouse office manager, Baltimore, Maryland
Robert Patrick, Truck driver, Baltimore, Maryland
Irene Patten, Customer service rep, Ohio, USA
Heather Pearce, Child safety advocate, Adelaide, Australia
Travis Michael Pearce, Server, Michigan
Lucas Pendleton, Plumber, Maryland, US
Saige Peterson, Adult mental health case manager, Minnesota
Tammye Pettit, Business owner, Claude, Texas
Cathy Anne Phalen, Wrongful conviction advocate, Corning, NY
Yvonne Phillips, Clerical clerk, United Kingdom
Abigail Pientka, Registered nurse, Fort Wayne, IN
Magdalena Placek, Finance and accounting process specialist, Cracow, Poland
Jocelyn Plamer, Wrongful conviction advocate, Wanganui, New Zealand
Laurie Plourde, Payroll specialist, Mechanic Falls, United States
Christine Poirot, Server, Dallas, Georgia
Kathy Poore, Wrongful conviction advocate, Michigan
Lotte Poss, Schoolteacher, Kastrup, Denmark
Lue Johan Poss Laursen, Student, Kastrup, Denmark
Silja Lucia Poss Laursen, Student, Kastrup, Denmark
Lorraine Potvin, Financial clerk for Government of Canada, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Joan Poulson, Housewife, Grantham, England
Ann Marie Powell, Wrongful conviction advocate, Campbellsburg, Indiana
Sarah Pratt, Beauty therapist, Spain
Wednesday Pritchard, Township treasurer, Covert, MI
Cindy Pritchett, Factory assistant, Winchester, KY
Bradley Quis, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
David Quis, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
Viktoriya Rae, Tattoo artist, Tempe, AZ
Dawn Ramashka, Bartender, Ocean City, Maryland
Michelle Ramsay-Stewart, Caregiver, mom and childcare specialist, Atlanta, Georgia
Nicole Ranochak, Wrongful conviction advocate, Myrtle Beach, SC
Cliff Ray, Hard rock miner, Canada
Amanda Rayes, Executive Director of For My Child Learning Centers, Lafayette, Louisiana
Miss.C.Reekie, Pharmacy dispenser, Surrey, United Kingdom
Rhonda Reno, School bus driver, Tellico Plains, TN
Tim Reno, Maintenance, Tellico Plains, TN
Mary Reyes, Non-profits, New Jersey
Tammy Rhoderick, Housewife, Russellville, TN
Loretta Richardson, CMA, Berea, Kentucky
Chloe Richardson, Children's social worker, United Kingdom
Heidi Riley, Massage therapist, Wisconsin
Jennifer Rix, Kennel attendant, Manchester, NH
Alison Roberts, Wrongful conviction advocate, France
Amy Robinson, Artist, Western Australia
Amy Rodriguez, Production sorter, Ogden, Utah
Anthony Rodriguez, Detailer, Ogden, Utah
Austin Rodriguez, Wrongful conviction advocate, Centreville, Utah
Christina Rodriguez, Patient service advocate, Ogden, Utah
Eddie Rodriguez, Central processing, Clearfield, Utah
Michelle Rodriguez, Registered nurse, Clearfield, Utah
Sarah Roebuck, Wrongful conviction advocate, Bessemer, Michigan
Martha Rojo, Business administration, Mexico
Natalie Romano, Wrongful conviction advocate, UK
Kimberley Roper, Homemaker, Houston, Texas
Vicki Rosario, Business owner, Abilene, TX
Karen Rosendall, Wrongful conviction advocate, Middleville, MI
Chrissy Roth Moffet, Disabled, braver, Dam, Wisconsin
Sean Rothery, HGV driver, Plymouth, UK
The Rouncefield Family, Wrongful conviction advocates, Gillingham, Kent, UK
Krystle Rousseau, Cashier at Victoria Secret, Florida
Errol Rudman, Food and Beverage manager, South Africa
Hannah Ruely, Wrongful conviction advocate, NSW, Australia
Anthony Rushton, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Carol Rushton, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Elizabeth Rushton, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Gayle Rushton, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Natalie Rushton, Wrongful conviction advocate, Liverpool, UK
Ferhat Sahin, Music teacher, Istanbul, Turkey
Rosanna Santana, Assistant manager, Olathe, Kansas
Rodrigues Santana Rodrigo, Self-employed, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Renee Satink, Billing manager, Cleveland, Ohio
Michelle Schiralli, Law clerk, Toronto, Ontario
Brianna Schoen, Wrongful conviction advocate, Mohrsville, PA
Brittany Schoen, Wrongful conviction advocate, Mohrsville, PA
Connie Schoen, Wrongful conviction advocate, Mohrsville, PA
Jamie Schoen, Wrongful conviction advocate, Mohrsville, PA
The Schuette Family, Wrongful conviction advocate, Minneapolis, MN
Marjon Schurmann, Wrongful conviction advocate, Venlo, The Netherlands
Bobbi Schwarz, Behavior analyst and parent to child with autism, Montana, US
Joshua Schwarz, Flight paramedic, parent to child with autism, Montana, US
Jaimie Sciolino, Special projects, data analyst, Buffalo, NY
Samantha Scutt, Personal assistant, United Kingdom
Amanda Seeley, NDT Inspector, Torrington, CT
Sandy Settles, Babysitter, Hudson, Florida
Lisa Sharma, Industrial sales rep, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jane Sharp, Visitor Museum Assistant, Northwich, Cheshire
Missy Sharp, Disabled, La Follette, TN
Kristy Shehan, Configuration management, Maryland
Erinn Sheldon, Lead childcare teacher, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Layla Sheldon, Caree assistant, United Kingdom
Marilyn Shue Carter, Retired, Benson, North Carolina
Jon Sigurdur Petursson, Sustainable energy science, Reykjavik, Iceland
Joelle Silberstein, Civil servant, Paris, France
Edith Simental, Medical assistant, United States
Cheryl Simpson, Wrongful conviction advocate, Fenton, Ohio
Annabel Singh, Restaurant owner, Ireland
Parwinder Singh, Chef, Ireland
Ross Singh, 14-year-old student, Ireland
Julie Sjuggerud, Clerk, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Joel Raymond Slomp, Wrongful conviction advocate, Spruce Grove, AB, Canada
Damian Smith, Director, Queensland, Australia
Karen Smith, Claims handler, United Kingdom
Misty Smith, Stay at home mom, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Rashaun Smith, Wrongful conviction advocate, Neenah, Wisconsin
Rebecca Jo Snodgrass, Homemaker, Boscobel, Wisconsin
Jennifer Sosa, Student, Weslaco, Texas
Judith Soucy, Apartment management, Eliot, Maine
Jason Speer, Wrongful conviction advocate, London, UK
Debbie Spencer, Wrongful conviction advocate, Australia
Linda Spencer, Paralegal, Utah
Wendi Spencer, Retired, Australia
Gisela Squitieri, Housewife and mother of four, Vero Beach, FL
Julia Srokosz, Deputy manager children's nursery, Hampshire, UK
Anna-Marie Srubjan, Disability support worker, Adelaide, Australia
Donna Steel, Wrongful conviction advocate, United Kingdom
Lee Steel, IT Manager, Connecticut
Jamie Stern Gregosanc, Wrongful conviction advocate, Orland Park, Illinois
Lisa-Marie Stevens, Nail Technician, Taunton UK
Susan Stevenson, Housekeeping services, West bend, Wisconsin
Michelle Stewart, Caregiver, mom and childcare specialist, Atlanta, Georgia
Rudi Steyn, Air traffic controller, New Zealand
Alice Stimmel, Dump truck driver, Short Gap, WV
Melissa Stockman, Registered nurse, Slater, MO
Angela Stone, Disability support worker, NSW, Australia
Sarah Stone, Teacher, Missouri, US
Tim Stone, Funeral director, Missouri, US
Jillian Strand, Childcare provider, Norfolk, VA
Honey Strickland, Owner of health care company, Utah
Amanda Strickland Garrett, Wrongful conviction advocate, Tennessee
Georgina Stulen, Fashion journalist, wrongful conviction advocate, The Netherlands
Michele Summers, Physician, New York
Maria Svensson- Kvisth, Machine operator and quality inspector, Vaggeryd /Sweden
Jena Swan, Custodial worker, Arkansas
Barbara Tadych, Mother of Brendan Dassey and three boys, Mishicot, Wisconsin
Scott Tadych, Stepfather of four including Brendan Dassey, Mishicot, Wisconsin
Jillian Taylor, Motion picture and television medic, Boston, MA
Kayleigh Taylor, Travel and tourism lecturer Middlesbrough College, Middlesbrough, England
Meredith Telford, Nail Technician, Ashburton, New Zealand
Sandra Temple, CSR, Hesperia, MI
Chit Chit Than, Registered nurse, NSW, Australia
Lisa Thompson, Special education teacher, Bachelor of Teaching, Post-grad Bachelor of Education, Victoria, Australia
Ryan Thompson, Engineer, Arrow, OK
Susan Thompson, Surgery scheduler, Arrow, OK
Nikki Thorpe, Sales representative, Blackpool. UK
Erica Tidwell, Accountant, Scottsdale, AZ
Jennifer Tite, Certified physician assistant, FL, USA
Stacy Trevino, Wrongful conviction advocate, Flagstaff, Arizona
Roxanne Turner, Dispatch supervisor, Pulaski, VA
Susan Tyler, Sourcing, UK
Desiree Ulloa, Disability manager, Denver, Colorado
Kellie Underwood, Early childhood educator, South Australia
Ashley Utterback, College student and stay at home mom, Iowa, US
Leilani Vaders, Nurse case manager, Seattle, Washington
Sue Vanderhoef , Wrongful conviction advocate, Canisteo, NY
Andy Varewyck, Steel/scarfer operator, Belgium
Jenna Veith, Business owner, Grand Rapids, MI
Vanessa Vergara, Werling, Swimming pool builder, San Antonio, Texas
Michelle Vernon, Nail Stylist, Melbourne, Australia
Tracy Vitali, Wrongful conviction advocate, Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Cindy Vitela, Wrongful conviction advocate, Ontario, Canada
Tijana Vranes, Elementary school teacher, Serbia, Europe
Shelley Wade, Author, Melbourne, Australia
Natasha Walden, Wrongful conviction advocate, Henderson, TN
Rebecca Walker, Customer advisor, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Melissa Weeks, Events Coordinator, Maryland
Leslie Wendt, CSA, St. Cloud, MN
Dareese West, Direct support professional, Riverton, WY
Lyndsey Whately, Domestic cleaner, United Kingdom
Sheila Wheeler, Server, Upstate NY
Jennifer White-Stewart, Machine operator for automotive manufacturing plant, Ontario, Canada
Tiffani Wickel.Esq, Wrongful conviction advocate, Las Vegas, NV
Magdalena Wielga, Executive assistant, Santa Clara, California
Gabriele Wild, Wrongful conviction advocate, Cologne, Germany
Jaimie Wilkes, Cook, United Kingdom
Julie Willardson, Funeral directors and criminal justice student, Greeley, Colorado
Sherrie Williams, Intuitive healer, Ontario, Canada
Jean Wilson, Retired, Park Hills, MO
Debs Winchester, Shop owner, United Kingdom
Anna Wirth, Hairdresser, Nebraska, USA
Terri Witts, Retired, Great Barrington, MA
Tina Wolters, Accounts receivable, Blaine, MN
Connor Woodhall, Garage owner, London, UK
Leanne Woodman, Full time carer, Australia
Karen Woodruff, Nurses aide, Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island, Canada
Nicky Woods, Sales manager, England
Heather Wostrel, LPN, Burnsville, MN
Denise Wyatt, Senior collector Kindred healthcare, Louisville, KY
Michelle Yeargan, Retail worker, Cedar Hill, Texas
Rebecca Jo Yearl, Production operative, Magherafelt, Northern Ireland
Hannah Yoch, Homemaker and mother of two, Bloomington, Indiana
Sarah Zack, Student, Michigan
Jeanette Zapatta, Student of bilingual education, Houston, Texas
Brandy Zornman, Business owner, Maryville, TN
Bring Brendan Home.